👋 Hi, I'm Michael Mannucci

Michael Mannucci

I enjoy building things that live on the internet, from websites to web apps. I am currently better at the first one, but I'm always learning.


These are the things you'll find me working on.


Web Design


Webbolt is a web design agency focused on turning visitors into customers so business owners can see a return on their investment and grow their business.


Permanently Hide AI Content in Adobe Stock

February 5, 2025

Sick of AI-generated junk crowding up your Adobe Stock searches? Here's a simple way to remove AI-generated content for good.

How To Lazy-load Google Analytics

November 30, 2022

So you want to use Google Analytics, but it's slowing down your website? Here's a step-by-step guide to lazy-loading Google Analytics for a better PageSpeed score.